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Stigma Around Sports News Story

For this film we used a T3i camera. Aisha and I decided that we wanted to film her outside in a scenic area. Because the topic is the stigma around sports at BBA, we wanted to film her in front of the field. We walked around the field and decided  that we wanted to do it from above. We walked up and put Aisha on the rock and messed around with the camera angle until we liked the shot. We brought a light out and put it on gold for Aisha's skin tone. For Tommy's interview, we were in a bit of a rush so we just put him in the library. As for sound, we struggled a bit. On Tommy's interview our sound was good, however for Aisha's, because we were outside, the wind had a big effect on the sound quality. We learned after that we should have used a dead cat or a rode mic to cancel out the noise. After learning from that mistake I know I won't make it again. Overall, I learned a lot from making this film and I can't wait to take what I learned and apply it to future films. 

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