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My news story with Duncan was a lot of fun to make. We came up with the idea by talking to Johnny and Ruxi and about doing something for the international students. From there we planned who we wanted in it and what countries we wanted to represent and where we would film it. We chose the fishbowl in the library because its quiet and has good lighting. We chose to film during flex block because we wanted there to be some movement in the background. There ended up being a great shot of the trees in the distance behind Duncan which is something I really liked about it. On Wednesday Duncan and I went up and practiced filming and found a lighting and camera set up that we were happy with. The next day the exchange students came in and had a lot of fun with it. In the editting process, we cut a lot to make it tight and put in fun music in the background. We added name descriptions, translations, flags, and transitions.  Overall I'm really happy with how this news story turned out and I hope that its something that the exchange students enjoy and send home to their families. I am definitely interesting in making another one of these! 

This news story I watched was about a text that was sent to the wrong number and ended up being a heartwarming story. A grandmother mistakenly texted a stranger about when thanksgiving dinner was and the boy replied that she had the wrong number, however the grandmother invited him and his whole family to join her for dinner. They used b roll of thanksgiving food, text messages off a phone, and pictures of the two meeting. They did interviews of the teenage boy, grandmother, and a buzzfeed news employee. I liked the addition of the buzzfeed news because it gave another perspective on why this story is relevant to what is going on on social media today. The news is delivered through a voice over rather than a standup, but for part of the interview with the buzzfeed news girl the reporter is shown interviewing was her, however in the other interviews she is off camera and her questions are cut out leaving only the interviewee repeating and answering the question asked; the way we were taught to make interviews. I thought it was interesting that they chose to use both techniques. Overall this was a good story however it could have been a little bit better organized and put together. 

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